Payment methods
Payment methods
To help customers easily shop & pay after purchasing their favorite products at Crown Nest Vua Tổ Yến Sào, we would like to send the following detailed instructions.
- Payment instructions:
+ Direct payment method
Pay in cash directly at the store at the address: Floor 5&6 Fimexco Building 231-233 Le Thanh Ton, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
+ COD payment method (pay at home after receiving the goods)
Customers can choose these payment methods. After confirming the order, Crown Nest Vua Tổ Yến Sào will pack the product and transfer it to the shipping service provider, then transport it for customers to receive and pay at home. After checking the product, customers make direct payment of the product value to the delivery staff. (This payment method will be more expensive because customers will have to pay for shipping and collection fees from the shipping service provider)
+ Bank transfer payment method
Please transfer 100% of the product value, then the delivery service will transport the product for customers to receive at home.
- Bank transfer information
Bank transfer payment is a bank transfer method where customers prepay for orders at Crown Nest Vua Tổ Yến Sào, details:
- Account holder: Nguyen Quoc Tinh
- Vietcombank - Phu Nhuan Branch - Account number: 0721000538575
CROWN NEST VUA TỔ YẾN SÀO currently applies the above payment methods for all orders nationwide.
Other payment methods are being developed and will be applied as soon as possible.
Crown Nest Vua Tổ Yến Sào thanks you!